Prepare the pasta sauce the night before and place it in the refrigerator. Start the crockpot before you leave for work and come home to an almost-ready dinner! This sauce freezes well too
A great weekend crockpot meal. Double-up this recipe for great freezable leftovers.
Cook this dish in the crockpot on a lazy saturday!
Pop this stew in the crockpot on Saturday and then do your errands. It will be ready to serve for dinner or a hearty lunch.
Put your chicken thighs in the crockpot at lunch time!
Serve this delicious taco entree with Crema Corn-on-the-cob. Make them GLUTEN FREE with CORN tortillas, but check the label first, as not all corn tortillas are free of gluten.
Bake this delicious chicken dish in the oven, or cook it in the crockpot!
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